Friday, March 24, 2006

Signs and Wonders V

Signs and Wonders V

In the discussion of signs and wonders a person can not leave out all the supernatural things God does for the believers. I include them in the discussion because they are a sign that God is with them.

Acts 8:38-40
38 So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And
both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water,
and he baptized him.

39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit
of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw
him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing.

40 But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing
through, he preached in all the cities till he came to

The Holy Spirit supernaturally transported Philip to Azotus and then as he traveled on through the other cities Philip continued to preach in all the cities between Azotus and Caesarea.

Can God still do this today. I would say of course and He probably even does. However this is not a sign that is promised, so it is hard to claim. Even here in these scripture I would say Philip is not expecting this to happen. However it does show me that nothing is impossible for Jesus. I just want to praise Him for He watches over me.


Richard, James 4:14, Ecc. 12:13,14 said...

One thing we need to be careful as Christians is that we interpret the Bible correctly. This is one reason why most pastors go to a good bible college to be trained. It prevents people unknowingly preaching heresies, even with good intentions. I would just be cautious in saying that God works the same way He did in the apostles that He does to all believers. When we read I Corinthians Paul says that some of the gifts and the prophecies will pass away. When we read it in the direct Greek the Bible says that tongues will come to cease, or eventually fade away, and that prophecies will cease, or come to an abrupt stop. When john wrote the last book of the Bible, (the Revelation), the gift of prophecy ceased. After the book of Corinthians there is no mention of the gift of tongues. God does still do miracles and wonders, but I would be cautious in saying that all gifts God provided then are still for today. Remember, God was showing the nation of Israel as well as all people that God was changing His program from the nation of Israel to the Church. God used sign gifts to verify that this was indeed God and not some new cult. Thanks for the postings, you do have some good insights. keep up the good work.
Ecc. 12:13,14, James 4:14

Richard, James 4:14, Ecc. 12:13,14 said...

by the way, after re-reading the post I should have changed the wording. I am by no way accusing you have heresies. I badly worded the reason for colleges and meant it to mean that college is a prevention of heresy. the heresy part had nothing to do with your posts and I sincerely ask forgiveness if it came across that way.

Jim said...

I know what you are saying about the gifts ceasing, I have a few friends who would probably agree with you.
I do not, however think you are correct on this because, when the Apostles saw the signs and wonders in their ministry in the book of Acts they totally denied that these miracles were done because they were anyone or anything special. Acts 3:12 & Acts 14:15
I also think that these signs and wonders are promised to "The Church" because Jesus said they were for those who believe. John 14:12 and Mark 16:16-18. He did not give these promises to a special group of people he gave these promises to all who believe.
Thanks for the reply and discussion. God Bless You.