Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time v. God's Word

Youth Aflame: Manual for Discipleship
By Winkie Pratney

The Bible

Some tough Questions and Interesting thoughts about the Bible.

Here is a Bold Statement I heard a preacher say one time, "how you Treat your BIBLE is the attitude you have towards JESUS."
Is that true?
If I have spend time reading my Bible everyday does that mean I want to spend time with Jesus or if I watch TV instead, does that mean I would rather watch TV than spend time with JESUS?

Another person I heard say that it only takes about 70 hours and 40 minutes to read the entire Bible. That means that you can read the entire Bible in less than a year by only reading it in about 7 minutes a day. If you read the Bible for 8 hours a day you could finish it in 9 days. If you read the Bible for 2.5 hours a day you can finish the whole Bible in 1 month. If you read the Bible for 1.5 hours a day you can finish the entire Bible in 2 month. The New Testament only takes 18 hours and 20 minutes to finish.

I find all of this very convicting.Is it really possible that I could read the Bible over 35 times year. Woe is me.
If I read the New Testament for a Hour a day I could read the whole thing 19 times in a year. Woe is me.

(if my math is wrong please correct me)

1 comment:

dave said...

i started a read through the Bible thing and i'm in febuary.
i put your site on the Mission's